Low Surface Temperature (LST) Heaters
Why do we have an LST heater? Is it even useful with such a low temperature? What is a ‘low’ temperature? These are all good questions to ask and hopefully we can help shed some light on them.
What is an LST Heater?
An LST heater is any form of heater (electric or wet central heating) that is cooler to touch than most heaters. The NHS Estates Health guidelines say that to reduce the risk of burns the surface temperature of the heater should not get above 43⁰C.
Is such a low temperature useful?
The low temperature is only how hot the outside of the unit gets. As long as the heaters have been sized to the room correctly the warm airflow through the heater will be more than adequate to heat a room. So, whilst to the touch, the heater is a lot cooler than most it still delivers useful heat.
Why do we have an LST heater?
The LST heater is perfect in situations where there is a higher risk of someone injuring themselves with standard heater. A more vulnerable person could be a child, elderly people, someone with reduced mental capacity, mobility or temperature sensitivity or someone who cannot react appropriately, or quickly enough, to prevent injury. The lower temperatures of the LST heater ensures that if a child were to touch the heater or if someone were to fall against the heater and not be able to move then the risk of burns from the heater is greatly reduced. The heater would feel warm on their skin but not cause damage.